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 Bibby – Lancashire           Carter – Herts                       Cato – Herts                       Curtis – Dorset                           Dellor – Hertfordshire               Dunn – Northumberland   Evans – Cheshire                   Gravatt – London                   Hayes – London                       Howard – Cambridgeshire   Kille – Hampshire             Needham – Derbyshire           Neil – Cumbria                  Rivers – Penshurst                       Peers – Derbyshire         Sanderson – Lancashire   Shilton – Berkshire       Streatfield – Kent                   Tann – London                     Tyrer – Lancashire               Woodgate – Chiddingstone

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Images tagged "doris"

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  • colin pike:

    I am a Comber descendant. Looking at the tree for 1400-1500 there are various Combers with Rivers in christian name. It is thought this is a connection to the Woodvilles through Richard (Earl). If so why is Richard Rivers Comber (1436-1480) using the Rivers name when he died before 1483 and did not need to hide from Richard lll? Did the Combers have a previous connection to Rivers?Further to hiding from Richard lll, what about John 1474-1524, William 1474-1524,Thomas 1475-1524 all Rivers/Woodvilles, where did they go?

  • Mel:


    stumbled across your exhaustive genealogy site, very impressive. I had a step-mother (my father’s second wife) who just passed. She was born in Aug 1926 in Lancashire and married a yank after WWII and eventually settled in California in the late 1950s where she became a naturalized citizen. I think her maiden name was either Tryer or Tyrer. I’ve seen it spelled (or misspelled) several times. Her first name was Edith and she was the youngest of 5. She has one biological son, in his 70s, living in Tennessee.

    If you think Edith Tryer (or Tyrer) might have been a relative, please email me and maybe we can share info.


  • Neil Mackenzie:

    Hello, Juliet
    I have just had another look at your Neil family tree. It is most informative. Thank you for all your hard work. However, I have seen an error that you might wish to correct.
    You might remember that I sent you some information about Frederick George Neil b. 1897, Tranmere. I notice that you have him among the war dead 5th May 1918. This must the wrong as you later notes show. George Frederick married Mary Ann Evans and had a daughter, Charlotte, my grandmother. In 1901 census his boarding at 171 Wellington Rd, Liverpool, (electrical engineering linesman) In 1911 census his shown as living in 5 Garden Lane Bootle with Mary Ann and Charlotte (tramway trolleywire linesman).

    Best wishes

    Neil Mackenzie

  • Rochelle Holman (Sanders):

    Hi Maia, I hope this reply gets to you as it has been a while since you posted your query. My Nana was Hannah Bibby too and your father was my uncle. My father was David who passed in 2012. He changed his surname to Holman (another family name when I was born as we have a very interesting family background. As we are cousins, I would love for you to get in touch so we can compare notes! Blessed be Rochelle xx

    • Hi Rochelle, I am a little confused as I am Juliet the website owner. I do not know who Maia is! But if you nan was Hannah Bibby you are probably also related to my husband Neil. Is this Hannah Bibby born in 1880, the daughter of John and Hannah or are we talking about a different family? Juliet

    • Hi again Rochelle, Apologies, I have just seen Maia’s message from 2018! Juliet

  • Tony Mason:

    Hi Juliet
    I am descended from the Combridges, who at various times in the 16thC & 17thC married Woodgates, Rivers and Streatfields. My query concerns Edward Rivers born c1565, son of Sir John Rivers and whether he is the Edward Rivers of Leigh mentioned in the “History of the Woodgates of Stonewall…..”. Your family tree of the Rivers may provide the evidence I am seeking but the link to it on your web-site does not seem to be working.
    Many thanks in advance for any help you can give and congratulations on producing such an informative and entertaining site.
    Tony Mason

    • Hi Tony,
      Many apologies for the delay – I have not been in the site for a month or so and missed this message! Sorry that the link did not work – it appears to be ok from my end – now at least! https://julietsgenealogy.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Rivers-tree.pdf. I have Edward on there but no information other than his baptism I am afraid. I only have information on his elder brother Sir George. However the time frame for Edward of Leigh mentioned in the book would be about right although sadly I cannot find any information on his marriage or children!

      best wishes Juliet

  • Hi I am connected to the Willliam Woodgate of Summerhill (my 4th great grandfather) in your Woodgate Tree and also the Streatfield family
    My 3rd Great Grandfather Decimus Woodgate William’s son was the last Woodgate to be born at Summerhill, He went into the German Army around 1832 at Koblenz and married a german lady and had a family in Germany they then moved to Adelaide South Australia 1852. his grandson my grandfather left australia c1900 and came to New Zealand.
    Have you seen the book https://archive.org/details/ahistoryofwoodga00wood has a lot of info on Streatfields and Woodgate and connected families

    • Hi Ross, Nice to hear from another relation. Yes, I have the book and have used it extensively. It’s amazing how far round the globe these ancestors went!
      best wishes

  • Lyle Howard:

    Hello, Thank you for this information. I am keeping track of as many Howards as I can. An Ancestry DNA cousin has a John Howard (b. Dec 23, 1798) coming to Georgia, USA, from Cambridge. His name is John Howard. His wife is Rachel DeLoach. May be one of your Howards.

    • Hi Lyle, Sorry for delay! That John must have been a different John Howard as our born in 1798 lived all his life in Cambridgeshire and never emigrated. However, he could have been a cousin. I will have a look on ancestry and see if I am a match!!

  • Sally Scott:

    I am related to Edward Newnes line. To Thomas and Martha Scott, who both died in Michigan. GOD bess. Sally

  • Phillipe Collier:

    Sorry think I put my older email in it’s one above thanks.

  • Phillipe Collier:

    Sorry yes I do misread that. The line goes back to Sir John died 1584 direct line as shown on ancestry dna.

  • Phillipe Collier:

    No I’m just getting to grips with my tree I do have hints from distant cousins trees who have Richard rivers descended from the Woodville line but who knows dna doesn’t last usually that long unless you descend from a very endogamous ethnic group as on my dads side. I don’t genetically match these cousins. It’s fun to think we might be descended from the Woodvilles it’s possible the theory is true.

  • Phillipe Collier:

    Hello Very interesting Article.

    I’ve recently found via ancestry dna that on my English side via my mum (My other side is Moroccan Jewish not connected) I’m a descendant if this family interesting if it has a connection to the Woodvilles though it seems unprovable going on what I’ve read here but very interesting.

    • Hi Phillipe, Its is an interesting theory but we will probably never know if the Rivers and Woodvilles were definitely connected! Unless of course the DNA picks it up. But then you would have thought it would have done already by now. Do you know which Rivers you mum is connected to?

  • Chris Barker:

    Hi Juliet, I stumbled across your new website a few weeks back, as I reignite my interest in Streatfield genealogy. I think it is really fab. We corresponded some years ago when you kindly sent me some info about the Streatfields of Leigh. We share a common ancestor I think in Nicholas Streatfield (1761-1820). My mum’s Streatfield line is via one of Nicholas’ sons, John Streatfield (b. 1796) and his second wife, Martha Grayland.

    The info on your site about the Rivers link is very interesting. I wondered if I could ask a question? In the History of the Woodgates of Stonewall Park’ there is a reference(inserted below) to an Edward Rivers, which seems to indicate he might have been the father of our Richard Rivers (the father of Joan(?) who married Robert Streatfeild). I couldn’t see anything about Edward in your family tree, and wondered if there was another other info about him?

    “In 1564 Edward Woodgate and Alice his wife conveyed 4a. of meadow land in Penshurst to John Rivers of London. Alice Woodgate appears to have been daughter of Richard Rivers [d) of Chafford Place, Penshurst, (Steward of the lands of the Duke of Buckingham), and sister of Sir John Rivers, Knt., above mentioned, Lord Mayor of London in 1573. The Rivers of Chafford Place, Penshurst, were descended from Sir Bartholomew Rivers who received an augmentation of honour from Edward IV for his valuable services to the house of York. His son William held a military command under Henry VI and lies buried in Rochester Cathedral, leaving by Alice his wife a son Edward, whose son Richard was Steward of the Duke of Buckingham and died leaving several children, among whom were Alice Woodgate; Sir John Rivers; and a daughter, who married Robert Streatfeild, of High Street House, Chidingstone, ancestor of most of the different branches of that family now remaining.”

    All the very best and hope you are keeping well in these awful times.

    Best wishes, Chris Barker (Crayford, Kent)

    • Hi Chris, Nice to hear from you again. It was 2004! Still have your emails filed! I am going to reply via my email account as I may want to attach a file or two. Bear with me, it may be tomorrow! best wishes Juliet

  • Robyn Brown (Needham):

    I am a “Needham” – a direct descendant of William Henry Needham(1834-1905) and his wife, Louisa, who migrated to New Zealand in 1865 (Viscount Canning). They had 11 children and many of the New Zealand “Needhams” claim descent from this couple. I can trace the family line back to the Needhams of Leicestershire, in particular, to Henry Needham(1781-1866). He was born in Marefield, Leicestershire, and died in Oakham, Rutland. I believe Henry was a son of Thomas Needham (1751-1828) and Mary Cook (1754-1826), but have come to a halt at this stage. Like Nigel, I would like to find the link to the Derbyshire “Needhams” and wonder if anyone can help me with any further information. Syston, Barwell, Knossington and Tilton-on-the-Hill seem to feature frequently in family BMD details. One of Henry’s sons – George Gillson Needham (1811-1883) migrated to the USA and settled in Michigan and has many descendants there.

    Your website and the contributions to it are impressive. I look forward to being able to add to and contribute to the Needham family history,

    Robyn Brown (Needham)

    • Hi Robyn, Sorry for the delay! I wonder if one of the early Derbyshire Needhams moved down to Leicestershire and began a branch. I will keep my eyes open of any in my research. I also have a little on another family from Chelmorton headed by John Needham and Jane Brunt born abt 1674. As the counties are close to each other, I am sure they all connect up somewhere! regards Juliet

  • Mr Philip Brook:

    Hi Juliet,
    I have been researching the Streatfeild family recently and you may be interested in extending the tree from John Streatfeild 1811-1883 down to David Selwyn Robins 1910-1998 and his sister Joyce Robins 1913-1991. The information can be found on familysearch.org.
    Philip Brook

    • Hi Philip,
      Sorry, I only just found your message! I will have a look – my tree is pretty full but I will see what I can fit on. Thank you.

  • Robin Baker:

    Happy Christmas ! Superb site! Have been searching my family history and appears that Anne Kill (b East Meon 1822) would be related as Great Great Grandmother) as she Married Henry Purchase ,had daughter Florence Grace Purhase,who married Thomas William Baker,(jeweller Pawnbroker Commercial Road Portsmouth).their son Maurice E.T Baker,his youngest son Harold L G P Baker bn 1925 and his youngest son Robin Baker… Kind regards and please stay well! Robin Baker .

  • Amanda F:

    Hi Juliet.
    I’m another very distant relative. I’m the great granddaughter of the Samuel Gilbert Kille b 1887 shown on the far left bottom of your family tree graphic on this page. My grandfather was another Samuel Gilbert Kille b1923 in Nova Scotia, Canada. I don’t know the exact date of death for SG Kille b 1887 but I know that he died when my grandfather was a baby. Thank you so much for putting this all together. I’d done a bit of family tree digging a few years back and had found the East Meon records but it’s nice to connect it into such a thoroughly researched tree. I’ve shared this with my mother too.

    • Hi Amanda,
      Thank you for the kind words and I am glad it has helped. I cannot take all the credit though as in the early days I was helped quite a bit by Bob Kill from the USA and Lorna English who had also done quite a lot of groundwork!

  • John Harris:

    Hi Juliet and seasons Greetings
    I see you have been extremely busy with the Curtis research since we last communicated.
    I have tried to email on a couple of occasions but I had no reply.
    When trying the contact you page we get an error 404.
    So I hope this contact gets through to you.
    Kind regards
    John and Vicki Harris

    • Hi John, great to hear from you. That is odd as my email has not changed and I regularly check my spam box and have had nothing in there. I will email you and see if replying works! Juliet

  • Liz M:

    Hi Dot, I’ve just seen this and I’m also descended from Peter Bibby and Margaret Gaskell, via their son Thomas b1793 in Windle who became a blacksmith.
    Also I’ve not found any link to the Bibby shipping line….
    Best wishes, Liz

  • Bruce Needham:

    Am descendant from Christopher Needham (ca 1595-1676) who immigrated to the American Colonies circa 1636-1650 with wife, sons Edward and Thomas and six servants. Do not have ANY information on this family prior to coming to the colonies. It is believed that Christopher married one Jane Hayes/Ward, but most likely she was a second wife and not the one who sailed with him. Would appreciate any information you have, or guidance on where to look.
    Many thanks, stay safe, stay healthy
    Bruce Harry Needham

    • Hi Bruce. Well, ancestry is no use! After doing a quick google search, I see that you have discovered quite a lot about Christopher over the years but as for his beginnings, the only clue I found was from the Geni.com site. The link is huge so you’d have to go a google search to find it. Or I can email the link to you direct. Otherwise you have to pay to get in and search! It says Christopher was born in London in 1595, the son of Thomas and Mary. Thomas was born abt 1566 in Poolpark Wood, Shavinton, Shropshire and he was the son of Robert and Francis. In fact if you follow that line it contains a few Sirs and stays in Shropshire until 1362 then moves into Derbyshire back to Thomas born abt 1300. I have no idea how accurate that is. Would need to find the old parish registers and check them all. I cannot find anything on familysearch or anywhere else that corroborates any of it. Sorry! Juliet

  • Steve Smith:

    Hi again – The Robert Streatfield/Hannah Peerless data may be incorrect. I cannot find evidence of the Peerless marriage. Can anyone assist in the accuracy of such data ? maybe what follows is correct.
    Ann Palis in the England, Select Marriages, 1538–1973
    England, Select Marriages, 1538–1973 No Image
    Name: Ann Palis
    Gender: Female
    Marriage Date: 25 Nov 1821
    Marriage Place: Knockholt, Kent, England
    Spouse: Robert Streatfield
    FHL Film Number: 1469429 IT 5
    Source Information: Ancestry.com. England, Select Marriages, 1538–1973 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2014.
    Original data: England, Marriages, 1538–1973. Salt Lake City, Utah: FamilySearch, 2013.

    • Hi again, Steve. Replying re the Peerless marriage. I agree; that marriage at Knockholt is the only one I gave seen, but alas I can not find an original register copy. I am emailing you direct with screenshots from various places that show her as Hannah Peerless, so I can only assume it is a soundex thing – Ann was often exchanged for Hannah anyway, but Pallis vs Peerless could be the simply that’s how the vicar spelt it when he was told the name! who knows.

  • Steve Smith:

    Hi – 1st ta for your excellent data collection. I have a great grandmother, Ada Streatfield. She connects back to a Robert Sreatfield/Hannah Peerless in your trees. They produced a son George who emigrated to Australia. I have the ongoing details and would like to add them to your collection. Are you interested? and if yes then how would I do that ? Regards, Steve

    • Hi Steve, Nice to hear from you. I have George born 1837 on my tree. I only had room to add five of his children on the main tree! However, if you look at the text under Robert and Hannah you will see I have an Appendix which is https://julietsgenealogy.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Streatfield-Appendix-1.pdf.
      I got a lot of this information from Brad Gorham. Please let me know if there are any errors or omissions and I will amend them. You can email me information (email link on my About Me page). I can also produce enlarge on the section under Robert and Hannah and list all their children to make it easier for other descendants of the couple.
      Best wishes Juliet

  • hya My daughter married and in my son in law’s line was Tann, I have copied the Tann tree and Mary Ann Tann daughter of Thomas married John Montague in 1842. I have a copy of the marriage certificate, and have tried to copy and paste, but it will not. So cannot send it to you. But a big thank you for the tree and all the info.

  • Liz Bergmann:

    Hi there, I’ve gone as far back at Robert Streatfield 1745, father of James Streatfield 1776, James I’ve managed to confirm as my ancestor. I’m struggling link Robert Streatfield, with Robert Streatfield 1719 as part of the Teynham Streatfields. Can’t find anyone else doing this particular tree either. Any help from anyone would be great. Many thanks.

  • Liz Bergmann:

    Hi there, I’ve just found your website. I’ve been trying to do a family tree for the Streatfields of Teynham, Kent and keep hitting a brick wall. Anything you can do to help would be wonderful. thanks.

    • Hi Liz, I cannot recall coming across any Streatfields from Teynham, but what sort of dates are you at and I will keep my eyes open for links as they will all be connected somewhere!

  • Debret:

    Hi, Such great info I could add to my search from your site, thanks for that. I believe my Thomas Grevatt (1762-1797) is brother to John (1767-1834), whose will you talk about. The niece he mentions in the will is actually Mrs. Battey (Batty)(Battice). She was born 1792, listed as Sarah Mira Groveat on the baptism.Was quite a search to find with the variations of the name. She is my 3rd gr grandmother.She married John Batty (1792-1820)..so was widowed very young. They had one daughter Myra John Batty (1820-1891).Sarah Myra married when her daughter was older to George Hooper.Myra John married Georges’s nephew, Cleeve Woodward Hooper who was a Tanner.
    I assume the Sarah Barnes mentioned is the wife of John’s other son, though I have not figured out that link yet either. Amazing to pick up these bits of connections though from the will and the gravestone.
    The name Myra was used alot through my family line, including my grandmother.
    Thanks for your site!
    take care , Debbie

    • Hi Debbie, Wow!! I am just coming to the end of my updates on the Peers line and then I will digest what you have just told me and update my Gravatt pages. You would not believe how long I have sat and tried all sorts of searches to find out who this Mrs Battice is!!Thank you so much. It’s great that we have been able to help each other. I will get back to you soon. Best wishes Juliet.

  • Brian R Streatfield:

    Hi Juliet, I am able to add four generations of Streatfield’s following Ernest Samuel Streatfield and Elizabeth Caroline Driver. However I lack the majority of the relevant dates, but if interested, I’m sure I could research these?

  • Andrea:

    Thanks Juliet for this information. I am a direct descendant of Richard Needham and Nancy Hulme. A couple of years ago I visited the pub and saw the list of landlords . I also visited Chelmorton where there are several members of the Needham family and ancestors buried . I have information on Richard but can’t find out much about his wife Nancy before the census came into operation.

  • Dot Menzies Holden:

    Hello – I am descended from another branch of the Bibby family who were farmers. Jonathan Bibby born 1697 Rainford died 1749 married Jane Devis. They had a large family and their son, John, born 1723 Rainford, married Elizabeth Ainsworth. Their son Peter, born 1755, married Margaret Gaskell and their son, Jonathan born 1781, married Mary Casswell in London before returning to Lancashire. Their daughter, Elizabeth born 1820 at Windle, married George Barton and their daughter, Elizabeth Ann Barton born 1858 Walton, married John Harrison (these are my gt grandparents). Family gossip said we were related to the Shipping Line Bibby’s but my Mum, who spent many years trying to find any kind of connection, was unable to tie the two families together. They lived in Windle and Rainford mainly.

    • Hi Dot, Nice to hear from you. I have come across Peter and Margaret Gaskell – I was confused at first as there a few Peters in the Flint Bibby family! I may add that tree later. We have the same family gossip but I cannot find a link either. Maybe we just have to go back a lot further to find it!

  • David Mills:

    I have a number of “Gravetts” in my Sussex Tree My 6th and 7th Great grandparents:

    Gravat, Jane
    1719 – Slinfold, Sussex 01 Aug 1719 – Slinfold, Sussex
    GRAVET(T), Sarah
    – 18 Feb 1743 – Slinfold, Sussex
    GRAVET(T) (GRAVAT), William
    – –
    Gravett (Gravat), James
    1726 – Slinfold, Sussex –
    Gravett (Gravat), John
    1723 –
    Gravett (Gravat), Sarah
    1725 – Slinfold, Sussex –
    Gravett (Gravat), William
    Oct 1718 – Slinfold, Sussex
    BIRTH 05 JAN 1721 • Slinfold, Sussex
    DEATH 17 DEC 1780 • Sompting, Sussex
    6th great-grandmother

    I wonder if they are related?

    • Hi David,

      Sorry, I have no information on any Gravatts from Slinfold. However, if you look on ancestry and search the public member trees there are quite a few people researching them, that may help you.
      best wishes

  • Jay K:

    Do you have any connection to the Gravatt family of Lambeth and other Surrey areas? The earliest I know is Henry who married Sarah HUMPHRYS of Hyworth Wiltshire in 1810 at St Mary Lambeth.

    I am not related to these folks but a descendant family living in Enfield Middlesex in the 1950s were family friends of my parents.


    • Hi Jay, Sorry I have no Henry Gravatt in any of my tree although I remember the name Sarah Humphrys cropping up before. I have had a quick look ancestry.co.uk. If you search their member trees you will find 62 trees with Henry and 6 of those also mention Sarah Humphreys. Some may help.
      best wishes

  • Mark Allen:

    The following extract from the Parliamentary Papers in the House of Commons Library may be of interest. It is from ‘Coms. of Inquiry into Charities in England and Wales: Eighteenth Report’ dated 1828. pp.33-34.
    https://parlipapers.proquest.com/parlipapers/docview/t70.d75.1828-010968 – but you need a subscription to view it.

    It implies that the pub was built by/for Samuel Allen sometime before 1788. Whilst that date appears to match the date that you have him listed as landlord, it raises a question about the preceding 150+ years. Could it have been rebuilt on the site of an earlier pub maybe?

    An annual sum of 40s. is received for the use of the poor of this chapelry,
    one moiety thereof by the overseer of the township of Chelmorton, and the
    other moiety by the overseer of Flagg, in respect of a public-house in Chelmorton,
    called The Duke of York, and lands thereto adjoining.
    We were unable at the time of our inquiry to obtain any satisfactory infor
    mation as to the origin of this payment; but we have since met with the will
    of ROBERT DALE, bearing date 23d August 1742, and proved at Lichfield in
    1751, whereby he gave to the poor of Flagg and Chelmorton 40l.; to be invested
    on landed security, in three trustees, of whom the parson, for the time being,
    of Chelmorton, should be one, to be divided at Christmas or Candlemas; and
    when any of the trustees should die, the survivors to choose another out of the
    honest and substantial inhabitants. There is a tradition in the chapelry, that
    a sum of 40l., belonging to the poor (which probably was derived from Robert
    Dale’s legacy) was, with an addition from some other quarter, laid out more
    than 40 years ago, in the names of the late Mr. John Buxton, and two other
    persons, as trustees, in the purchase of a parcel of land containing between three
    and four acres, called The Salt Crofts; that this land adjoined to the common,
    a part of which, to the extent of ten acres, or more, was afterwards inclosed and
    added to the land thus purchased; that the whole was granted, by the persons
    in whose names the purchase was made, to Samuel Allen, on a building lease,
    for a very long term of years, at the yearly rent of about 8l. per annum, and
    that the above-mentioned public-house was erected thereon; that the rent was
    received by the late Mr. Buxton, and divided between the respective overseers
    of Chelmorton and Flagg, but that only 20s. of the share which each of them
    received, was distributed to the poor, the residue being carried to their general
    accounts with their respective townships; and that in consequence of a sum of
    125l. having been advanced about 30 years ago, by Mr. Buxton, for paying the
    expenses arising from a dispute on the Taddington Inclosure, in which the in-
    habitants of Chelmorton and Flagg were interested, Mr. Buxton was allowed
    to retain as the interest of the sum thus advanced, the residue of the rents
    beyond the two annual sums of 20s. above mentioned.
    We are also informed, that Samuel Allen sold his lease to a Mr. Longsden,
    and that it is now vested in the daughters of the latter; that the public-house
    and the adjoining land are in the occupation of Anne Needham, as tenant
    to the Miss Longsdens, who pay the rent reserved by the above-mentioned
    lease to the Rev. William Marsden, of Manchester, one of the nephews of
    the late Mr. Buxton; and that the two annual sums of 20s. each, are paid over
    by him to the overseers, the residue being retained by him as the interest of the
    money advanced by the late Mr. Buxton.
    The two annual sums of 20s. each are distributed, shortly after they are
    received, in small portions, amongst poor persons of the respective townships
    of Chelmorton and Flagg.

    • Hi Mark,
      I have just got around to reading the pice you sent me. Thanks you very much and sorry for the delay. My website no longer sends me emails when I get consents
      and so I have to remember to check every os often!
      It is is really interesting and confusing at the same time and all I can say is that the list of publicans were on the wall of the pub when we visited and the history came from them. I have found a person researching their ancestor Samuel Allen. May I pass this onto them?
      Thanks again
      kind regards

  • Julia Beatrice Lilian Wade:

    Lovely photographs and a great site, do you have any information on the Abdy/Abdey line from Shellingford please. I am researching the Berkshire Abdys. Thankyou.

    Julie (Wade nee Abdey)

  • Joan Riek:

    Hi, I am a descendant of the Curtis family of South Perrott, Dorset. Recently I had my DNA tested and found I had Curtis relatives in USA? However their tree goes back to a William Curtis of Nazeing Essex. Does anyone know if any of his children’s family moved to South Perrott? I would love to find why I have Curtis in the USA who have DNA matches with me. I did message one lady but she wasn’t able to help. Hoping you can.
    I live in Gympie, Qld, Australia
    Joan Riek

  • Frank Neil:

    I have been trying to trace the Neil family tree for some time now, and my father Albert Neil I believe was born in Tranmere to Joseph and Phoebe?
    I’m told the Neil’s originate from The Isle of Barra, where I visited recently, but the name through the years has different variations in spelling to Neal, Naill, Neild, with the added O’Neil from ireland and Mac & McNeil from the Scottish outer hebrides of Barra. We have a MacNeil Clan and a Castle on The Isle of Barra. A tartan and coat of arms. This link may help https://www.scotweb.co.uk/info/macneil/

  • Anthony Tickner:

    I am the Anthony Tickner mentioned in the last section.
    I still remember going to see my Aunt Win and Uncle Alf at their home at 80 St Paul’s Road Tottenham.
    I was born at Bushey Maternity Hospital (near Watford) on Christmas eve 1940
    I was married to Carol Ann Jones from Tottenham on the 26th March 1966 at Great Parndon, Harlow
    We have three sons, Robert, James and Stuart. We are blessed with two grandsons.

    • Hi Anthony, Sorry for the late reply – My website does always alert me when I get messages!
      I remember meeting you at Harlow? Not sure the year, but mum and dad managed to track you down and we came over while we were travelling around. Mum and dad are still going strong, She is 84 and dad is 82. They are both great grandparents now as my daughter had a baby girl in December 2017.
      It’s great to hear from you. I will email you properly and send over some photos!
      All the best for now

  • George Curtis:

    Dear Juliet

    I am trying to search for George Curtis in my family tree. In the 1861 Census it is recorded that he was born in South Perrot around 1814 (listed as being 47 in 1861). He was a carter and married to Selina and the census lists she was born in Melbury Osmond. His children were Esau Curtis born in Cattistock 19 yrs old in 1861 census, George Curtis 17 in 1861 born in Cattistock, Samuel Curtis 11 years in 1861 and born in Swyre and Emily Curtis, 9 years old in 1861 and born in Swyre.

    The family then seems to have moved to working around the Cheselbourne area. I would like to work further back, but can’t find any George Curtis who was born around those dates in South Perrot and who went on to marry a Selina. I would be grateful if you have come across any links to our line of Curtis’s from South Perrot.


    • Hi Caroline,
      I am so sorry that I have just seen this message on my website. It is supposed to email be notifications but it has not been and I have missed about 5 messages in the last 6 months!
      Leave this one with me as I have several branches from South Perrot which may be hiding your George. I will get back to you if I find anything!
      best wishes

  • Maia Honan:

    Hi all. I wonder if you can help please. I’m looking for my grandmother Hannah Jane Bibby. All I know is that she had my father Orrell Alexander Carter with Albert E Carter (not married) in 1926 in either Moon Street or the workhouse at 56 Church Road Birkenhead. My notes say she had 13 children, six of whom survived. My father long gone but I’m intrigued. Thanks in advance. Maia

    • Hi Maia,
      I am so sorry that I have just seen this message on my website. It is supposed to email be notifications but it has not been and I have missed about 5 messages in the last 6 months!
      I have checked my tree and although we have a lot of Alexanders in the Bibby tree, which is often a clue, I cannot find your Hannah. There is another Bibby family with an Alexander that I came across that were originally from Wales. There is a Hannah Jane Bibby born in Bangor in 1903/ Could this be her?
      I will find the other family info and get back to you if I find anything. Sorry again for the delay!

  • Crispin Weston:

    Hello Juliet, I am researching a history of Sort, a cottage and barn which used to be part of Wytherston Farm, near Powerstock. In 1882, letters that are now in the Dorset History Centre show that the tenancy of Wytherston was taken by a John Curtis, whose son lived in a house that used to be at Sort, but burned down in 1910. James died soon after 1901 and his son, John, moved away soon afterwards. Before coming to Wytherston, James had been a tenant of the Vicar of Rampisham, who gave him a very good reference. You don’t know how he might fit in to your family tree, do you? It seems strange that George Curtis and Sarah Groves married at “Wytherston parish church”, if there was no connection. Though in fact, there does not appear to have been any church at Wytherston after the Dissolution of the Monasteries, when Wytherston became an adjunct of Powerstock – so perhaps that is where they got married. Do and I can show you some of James’ letters – though of course, I would be very interested if you knew anything more about James and his son John. We also met a very nice chap called James Curtis, who is the grandson of James the son of John. Perhaps you know them?

    • Hello Crispin,

      Sorry for the delayed response, it seems my email notifications have stopped working.
      My Curtis line went off to London by 1881. I am afraid that I have no knowledge of the cottage of Sort and I do not appear to have a James Curtis of that generation in my tree. Sorry that I cannot help. I know that there were a lot of Curtis’s at that period and your could have been from a branch that I have not yet discovered.
      best of luck in finding the information.


  • Beverley:

    There is an Alexander Bibby (or variant) born in Neston, Cheshire 1753ish.
    He was the son of James Bibby and Elizabeth Ackers. James was a miller. James and Elizabeth married in 1738ish in Childwall.
    Elizabeth’s mother, Eleanor, married a Gilbert Fairclough. The will of Gilbert mentions James, miller, of Neston and the will of Eleanor (Ellen) mentions her daughter Elizabeth Bibby.
    Can’t find any connection between the older Alexander of Neston and James.

    • Hello Beverley,

      Sorry for the delayed response – it appears that my email notifications have stopped!
      I have been in contact with people descended from the Alexander Bibby of Neston that you mention, as I once thought they were part of our branch but alas they are not. A coincidence, I suppose Alexander and James, millwwrights of Garston and the same names cropping up in Neston, millers. I have no idea if the families are connected.
      best wishes

  • Tim Peers:

    Hi Juliet,
    I am researching purely along the Peers family line, and its origins, which are very close to yours. My three points of reference are all called HENRY PEERS.
    i.e. (1)Henry PEERS, born 18/3/1849 at Brimstage, Wirral
    (2) Henry PEERS , born 28/10/1823 at Brimstage
    (3) Henry PEERS, born 3/10/1790 at Storeton, Wirral.
    I have then come to a huge sticking point. No (3) Henry PEERS is the son of George PEERS and Mary???
    Unfortunately a search of the parish register reveals three marriages very close together, all three are marriages between George PEERS and Mary. I cannot decipher which one is the correct marriage. If your research has reached this point and/or you are able to shed any light, then I would be very grateful for any assistance that you could render. Many thanks, Tim Peers.
    (I now live in Norfolk, but the rest of our line of the PEERS family are scattered around the country)


    This family originated in Lanarkshire and subsequently settled in
    Cumberland and adjoining counties, the principal branch being seated
    at Linden Hall, Morpeth, Northumberland until 1962
    (see BLG, 1952 Edn).

    ROBERT ADAMSON was father of,

    EDWARD ADAMSON, of Catterall, Lancashire, was father of,

    THOMAS ADAMSON, of Catterall, m Elizabeth Haydock,
    and d 1624, having had issue,

    The eldest son,
    JOHN ADAMSON, of Goosnargh, b 1600,
    m 1622, Margaret Parkinson, and d 1667,
    having had with other issue,

    THOMAS ADAMSON, of Goosnargh, Lancashire, b 1631,
    m. Jane –, and d 1706, having had with other issue,
    1a JOHN, of whom presently.
    2a Robert.
    3a Francis.
    4a Thomas, m Jane Yates

    The eldest son,
    JOHN ADAMSON, of Warton-in-Kirkham, Lancashire, b 1660,
    m 18 Feb 1683, Mary Moulding (d 1708), and d 1708,
    having had issue, with two daughters,
    1a Adam, b and d 1683.
    2a JOHN, of whom presently.
    3a Henry, b 1689.
    4a Jeffrey, b 1692.

    The eldest surviving son,
    JOHN ADAMSON, of Abram, Lancashire, b 1686,
    m 7 Oct 1712, Anne, dau of James Wood, of Kirkby, Lancashire,
    and had with other issue,
    1a ADAM, of whom presently.

    His son,
    ADAM ADAMSON, of Abram, b 1713,
    m 5 Oct 1735, Margaret, dau of Robert Johnson,
    of Leigh, Lancashire, and had issue, with three daus,
    1a Thomas, b 1736.
    2a JOHN, of whom presently.
    3a Roger, b 1744, m 1 Feb 1769, Martha Dean
    and had issue,
    1b Roger, who with his son Roger Adamson,
    John Gerard of Windle Hall, (see BPB, GERARD, B)
    and the Rev Francis Graythorne was drowned
    in the Irish Sea, 22 May 1822.
    4a William, b 5 Apr 1748.

    The second son,
    JOHN ADAMSON, of Ashton-in-Makerfield, Lancashire, b 1737,
    m 1 Mar 1756, Ursula (d 1808), dau of Joseph Anson, and d 1789,
    having had issue, with three surviving daus,
    1a THOMAS, of whom presently.
    2a Joseph, b 3 Jun 1759
    3a John, b 24 Dec 1764, d 30 Apr 1766.
    4a Richard, b 31 Dec 1766.
    5a John, b 16 Nov 1770.
    6a William, b 15 Oct 1773, d inf
    7a James, b 5 Sep 1775.
    8a William, b 18 Nov 1776.
    9a Henry, b 1 Apr 1778.

    The eldest son,
    THOMAS ADAMSON, of Lowton, Lancashire, cotton manfr,
    b 18 Jan 1758, m 1stly 13 Aug 1797, Ellen Lythgoe (d 1814),
    and had issue,
    1a John, b 15 May 1799.
    2a Peter, b 13 Apr 1802.
    3a Joseph, b 1811, in Holy Orders of the Church of Rome.
    He m 2ndly 13 Jul 1815, Ellen Hatton (d 20 Jan 1866),
    and by her had issue, with two daus,
    4a GEORGE, of whom presently.

    The son (by 2nd marriage),
    GEORGE ADAMSON, of Hurst Hall, Glazebury, Cheshire,
    b 10 Feb 1817, m 1stly Martha Sanderson (dsp 18 Feb 1861),
    m 2ndly 6 Feb 1862, Alice (d 16 Sep 1906), dau of
    Samuel Pimblett, of Ashton-in-Makerfield,
    and d 7 Jan 1907, having had issue,
    with one dau,
    1a Thomas, b 24 Jul 1863, and dvp 4 Dec 1871.
    2a Samuel, of Tanner’s Farm, Culcheth, Lancashire, farmer, b 2 Sep
    1865, m 18 Jun 1887, Rachel (d 14 Aug 1952), dau of George Taylor,
    of Culcheth, and d 17 Nov 1940, leaving issue, with five daus,
    1b George Samuel, of Tanner’s Farm, Culcheth, farmer,
    b 5 May 1896, m 21 Jul 1921, Ann (d 27 Feb 1976),
    dau of William Williams, of Woolston, Lancashire,
    and d 6 Apr 1978, leaving issue, with one dau,
    1c George Samuel, of Tanner’s Farm, Culcheth,
    farmer, b 21 Jun 1922, m 13 Nov 1943,
    Hilda, dau of Joseph Yates, of Leigh,
    and dsp 5 Nov 1985.
    2c Frederick, b 1 Feb 1925, m 15 May 1954, Marian, dau
    of Arthur Eckersley, of Leigh, and had issue,
    with one dau,
    1d John, b 24 Mar 1958, educ Bolton, and Manchester Univ
    (LRSC 1981), research chemist, m 19 Aug 1987, Fiona Anne, dau of
    Ian Kydd MacDonald, of Burtonwood, Cheshire, and has issue.
    3a THOMAS, of whom presently.

    The youngest son,
    THOMAS ADAMSON, of Hurst Hall, Glazebury, b 27 Apr 1873,
    m 9 Feb 1896, Dorcas Mary (d 11 Jul 1953), dau of John Hands,
    of Norton Canon, Herefordshire, and d 18 Jul 1939,
    having had issue, with five daus,
    1a (George) William, of Kinknall Hall, Culcheth, farmer, b 3 May
    1897, m 22 Feb 1933, Jane (d 19 Sep 1978), dau of William Norcott,
    of Statham, Cheshire, and d 12 May 1983,
    leaving issue, with one dau,
    1b Thomas William, b 22 Feb 1938, farmer, m 15 May 1984, Anna
    (Morris’s Farm, Croft, Lancashire), dau of Edward Leigh, of Lowton
    Hall, Lowton, Lancashire, and d 20 May 1991, leaving issue.
    2b John, b 8 Dec 1939, farmer (Low Fauld Farm, Ruckcroft,
    Cumbria), m 29 May 1980, Irene, dau of
    Capt. Arthur George Kennedy, IA.
    2a (Wilbraham) John, of Yew Tree Farm, Culcheth, farmer, b 23 Aug
    1899, m 10 Jun 1925, Ruth Anne (d 24 Oct 1974), dau of William
    Henry Pitchfork, of Rixton, Lancashire, and
    dspm 11 Oct 1980, leaving issue.
    3a Charles Thomas, of Risley Hall, Risley, Lancashire, farmer, b 29
    Jan 1901, m 30 Jul 1924, Ellen (d 10 Jun 1991), dau of
    George Smith, of Lowton St Mary’s, Lancashire, and
    d 30 Dec 1978, leaving issue.
    4a Wilfred Raymond, b 13 Apr 1904, and d inf 8 Jan 1905.
    5a Gerald Lancelot Samuel, of Dicconson Farm, Lowton, farmer, b 17
    Feb 1906, m 8 Jun 1932, (Gertrude) Olive (d 21 Nov 1985), dau of
    William Webster, JP, of Stockton-on-the-Forest, York, and
    d 7 Sep 1970, leaving issue.
    6a Donald, of The Homestead, Lymm, Cheshire, b 24 Oct 1907, m 1
    Jun 1938, Hannah Mary (d 26 May 1994), elder dau and co-heiress of
    William Booth, of Lymm (see BP, BOOTH, Bt), and d 3 Jan 1982,
    leaving issue.
    7a Alexander Duncan, of Woodend Farm, Glazebury, farmer, b 25 Sep
    1909, m 30 Jun 1937, Lilian (d 27 Aug 1995), dau of George Smith, of
    Lowton St Mary’s, and d 3 Jul 1975, leaving issue.
    8a Denys, of Great Stone Farm, Culcheth, farmer, b 27 Jan 1912, m 8
    Feb 1939, Elizabeth (who m 2ndly 29 Oct 1960, Alfred William
    Le Cornu, of Five Oaks, St Helier, Jersey, and d 24 Jun 1977),
    dau of George Clough, of Irlam, Lancashire, and
    dspm 11 May 1959, leaving issue.
    9a (Victor) Raymond, of Brookside Farm, Bickershaw, Lancashire,
    farmer, b 15 Sep 1915, m 30 Sep 1941, Mary, adopted dau of Henry
    Halsall, of Lowton, and d 14 Jul 1981, leaving issue.

  • Dyron:

    I thought you might be interested in an R. Tann’s Charcoal iron with the stamp london fields london on it.

  • Ellie:

    Hi Angela, it was great to find your website and the Gravatt family connection. Rosa Mary Gravatt born 1870 or 1871 was from the census, the youngest daughter of Edward Gravatt and Eliza P K. Rosa Mary Gravatt married Edward George London who was born in Hackney in 1866 and a leather case maker. They had one son, Arthur Howard who was born in 1899 in Hackney. They lived at 43 Lavers Road Stoke Newington. Rosa Mary Gravatt is living with them (widowed) when she is 73, and Arthur Howard was 11 years old in the 1911 census. Arthur was my grandfather, and Rosa Mary my great grand mother so Edward Gravatt and Eliza P K Gravatt my great great grandparents!!!

    This is amended version!!

    Best wishes

  • Joan Fleet:

    I have another baptism for Chelmorton : John 14 Dec 1768 to John and Sarah. You already have his older brother Samuel 14 May 1765 — a direct ancestor of mine. I have not been able to find any other children of John and Sarah. I don’t know if they are the ones who show up in your burials from Flagg. My Samuel lived and died in Monyash after he married an Ann. They had seven children there from 1787-1799. Ann died 1801.

    You have a very interesting website — thank you

    • Hi Joan,
      Thanks for your message. I think I have him in the transcription as:
      14 Dec 1768,Jonathan,Needham,son of Jonathan
      The transcripts I used must not have mentioned Sarah. Its strange how they differ.
      Do you know anything more of John and Sarah? I wonder if they are connected in any way to our tree?
      best wishes

    • Did John marry Sarah Swann in Bakewell on 29 Dec 1763?

      • Joan:

        Hi Juliet:

        The Needham/Swann marriage looks a real possibility. Thanks! My Chelmorton list was originally from Family History Centre film #1041010 — now on the internet. The film has more information than shows up on the internet transcription. It gives the locations of each person. For example, the baptisms of both Samuel (1765) and John (1768) state they are the sons of John Needham of Chelmorton and Sarah. In 1766, June 5, Joseph son of John Needham of Lower Foxlow is baptised. I am assuming this is a different family given the different address. Could be the same family though? Tricky to sort everything out. Thanks again for all your work — most helpful.

        • I had wondered if your John may be the one in our tree born in Chelmorton in 1724 (son of Richard) but he would have been 39 – possibly old for the times. Although bear in mind that his brother Richard (b 1714) married a Mary Swann!! There is a lot of history of brothers marrying sisters, so it a possibility.
          Good luck!

  • Hi Dellor relatives! To cut a long story short, I’m working with Hackney Historic Buildings Trust on a project about Lower Clapton’s heritage. We’ve got Now and Then photography workshops with local young people and would love to use the photo of the Dellor butcher’s shop in Chatsworth road in this and resultant exhibition. Would it be possible to get a higher resolution image?

    Thanks and happy to provide further information.


  • I thought you might be interested to know I have in my possession a prayer book belonging to Edward Tann’s family. It lists the date of births of his children on the inside cover. 200 years later it has ended up in California. Fun for me to know a little about the people it belonged to. Thanks.

  • Tomlincs:

    I think you’ve described the complex and confusing relationship between The Tanns and the Gravatts really well. I’m particularly interested in Robert Tann and his mother Amelia because I have an early iron safe made when either Amelia was still in charge of the company or maybe just after it had just passed into the hands of her son Robert in the 1870’s.

    Other than mine, all of the pictures of R. Tann safes, I’ve come across, bear his name on an elaborate escutcheon below figures of a Lion and Horse (poss. a unicorn) either side of a shield showing the Royal Standard. However, I think my safe is really early because the nameplate is very plain, just a brass rectangle with the words ‘Tann’s Defiance Safe, 318 Mare St Hackney’

    Have you ever come across this address – 318 Mare St – before, in your research into Robert’s family history? I looked in an 1874 edition of a Hackney Trade Directory and found an R. Tann at 318 Mare Street, but confusingly listed as a ‘Conectioner’ not a safemaker. Just wondering if he traded as a confectioner before he took over his mom’s safe-makimg company in the late 1870’s. If you could shed any light on this for me. I’d very much appreciate it

  • Adam Dunn:

    Hi Juliet,

    Just found that Lilian Jane Dunn married Thomas Howard on 14th October 1901 at St. Cuthbert, Everton

    Lilian address is 19 Gorst Street.

    Details at Lancashire OnLine Parish Clerks web site.



  • Ian Booth:

    Dear Juliet
    My wife and I lived in Broadwindsor for 4 years and have just moved back to Essex. There are still many of the Curtis family there. Along with the Saints and the Framptons. These are probably the most commomn surnames in the village. Does that help?

    • Hi Ian,
      Thanks. Although we did have a branch that lived in Broadwindsor, they were not direct ancestors. Ours were from South Perrott and now I am trying to trace back into the possibility that they were Quakers form Somerset originally. Thanks anyway. Juliet

  • Nigel Needham:

    I’ve been checking on my tree and came across Mary Needham. Her details I had copied from your website ie Mary Needham born abt 1826 Heaton Norris, m 15.7.1850 Didsbury to John Wild. BUT the marriage certs are now available on line for Manchester and the cert for the marriage for Mary and John Wild shows Mary’s father is a John Needham a dresser. Our Mary’s father is of course Richard! Thus Mary Needham b 1826 f Richard Needham appears not to have married John Wild. I can send you a copy of the cert if you would like a copy for your records.


  • Neil Mackenzie:

    Hello, Juliet

    I have just seen your web page regarding the Neils.

    Frederick George Neil (born 1897 in Tranmere) is my great grandfather.

    I am delighted that you seem to have established a link to Scotland, for I have long wondered how far back the Scottish connection was.

    You may be interested in the following information – some of it gathered from the usual sources, some of it family history.

    It is tradition handed down the family that John Neil (born 1836) ran off with the daughter from the big house Annie (Ann Dixon from your tree). As he was only the groom (this seems to be incorrect since shown in the censuses as a ship’s carpenter) she was cut off from the family. John and Annie made their way to Birkenhead (actually, it seems via Liverpool) where they started their family. However both John and Annie died (between 1881 and 1891) leaving the children orphaned.

    I should be very interested to learn whether you have any information that confirms or disproves this story.

    The 1891 census shows that William, the second eldest brother looked after Mary, Joseph, Hannah, Frederick George, Albert and Hannah. This bears out the family history that Frederick George was brought up by his older brother. Therefore, I think the date you have for his father’s death is rather too late.

    The family history is that either Mary or Hannah became a lady’s maid.

    The family history is that Frederick George (my great grandfather), without parental supervision, ran wild. However, he did make good and I understand he played a major role in designing the Birkenhead and Liverpool tramways. He rode on the first Liverpool tram. During WW2, Liverpool brought him out of retirement to locate the junction boxes that needed repairing after the Blitz, since he knew the layout of the electrical system. When the Custom House was bombed he was hit by flying debris which continued to come out of his face for sometime afterwards. He accepted an invitation to ride on Liverpool’s last tram. He designed an electric pick up system (on display in a Liverpool museum) that allowed the tram to run in either direction without having to unhook the pick up from the overhead wires.

    I have some parts of the tree that you do not seem to have. Would you like copies?

    Kind regards

    Neil Mackenzie

  • Veronica (Prevost) Barr:

    GREAT JOB! Two children, a husband, home etc., WOW — I’m so impressed.

    I stop and start and have information here, there and everywhere 🙂 I love Bournemouth – lucky you


  • Hello, Juliet. It appears that you and I have a connection in our family tree: Alfred Gravatt, b. 1879 in Homerton and d. 1904. He married my great-aunt Rosa Alice Eliza RILEY, b.1883, d.1966. They had two children: Evelyn Rosa Mary GRAVATT, 1905-1983, and Eric Alfred GRAVATT, 1909-1981. They lived in London. I started our family tree in 2012.

    Best regards, Angela

    • Hi Angela.
      Thanks for getting in touch. I will add the details of Eric and Evelyn onto the family tree. I don’t suppose you have any photos do you? Always worth asking as we are a bit thin on the ground with Gravatt photos!
      All the best Juliet

  • Penelope Sheffield Sims:

    I am trying to find out information about the family of Colonel Joseph Peers 1763-1838 Ruthin, Denbighshire.

  • Nigel Needham:

    I’ve done some more work on the Needham’s this time looking at the issue you raised about who is George Needham bap 1792/3.

    There are two George Needham’s born in Chelmorton:
    1. George Needham baptised on 15 Feb 1793 f Richard Needham m Elizabeth (Dawson); he had at least 6 siblings including Richard Needham, landlord of the Duke of York at Flagg.
    2. George Needham baptised on 12 Aug 1792 f William Needham m Elizabeth; he had at least 3 siblings

    There are also two George Needham’s who get married in the area and have children:
    1. George Needham marries Ann Nall in 1817 in Chelmorton and has 3 children between 1818 and 1822
    2. George Needham marries Mary Robinson in 1814 in Chelmorton and has 6 children between 1815 and 1826

    There are two other facts:
    1. A George Needham dies and is buried in 1824 in Taddington
    2. A George Needham wife Mary can be found living in Chelmorton in the 1841 and 1851 census with 2 children that correspond to 2 of the 6 children born to George and Mary – see above. The age of George would indicate that he was born in 1796 in the ’41 census and in 1794 in the ’51 census. In both census George was an agricultural worker

    So where does this leave us. Which of the two George’s baptised around 1792/3 marries Ann Nall and which marries Mary Robinson?

    The census data indicates to me that the George married to Mary was baptised in 1793 with parents Richard and Elizabeth. His birth date better corresponds to a birthday in 1793; I will discount the 1841 census implied birth date as they are notoriously inaccurate in this census. As the George married to Mary is still alive in 1851 this must mean that George Needham baptised in 1792 f William Needham m Elizabeth died in 1824.

    If my logic is correct then George Needham bap in 1793 married to Mary Robinson is the brother of Richard landlord of the Duke of York. As George is an agricultural labourer in 1841 & 51 I doubt he would have been the landlord of the Duke of York. This would mean that George Needham b 1792 f William Needham m Elizabeth was married to Ann Nall and was the landlord of the Duke of York. Neil Wagstaff has the same relationships for the two George’s.

    This conclusion is counter to your conclusion ie you had George bap 1793 f Richard m Elizabeth married to Ann Nall and dying in 1824. How does my logic compare to that which you used?



  • Nigel Needham:


    I’m a Needham trying to discover my family links and I’ve come across your website and have a few questions on the Needham’s in Chelmorton but I’ll restrict myself to one:

    You have a Richard Needham Christened: 16 Nov 1714 – Chelmorton, Derbyshire, England Died: 23 Apr 1785 – Flagg, Derbyshire, England Buried: – Chelmorton, Derbyshire, England. I have found a record which indicates that he was christened with a father Richard Needham. On your website you have stated:The furthest I can go at present is Richard Needham ( christened Nov 1714), who was possibly the son of Ricardus Needham, baptised on 12th June, 1675 at Taddingtson/Priestcliffe which is near Chelmorton.

    You link to Neil Wagstaffes work where he states that Richard’s father was another Richard who was Christened: 10 Jun 1688 – Castleton, Derbyshire, England

    I was wondering if any further work had been done on who was Richards father. What is the evidence he was born in Castleton? I ask because there is some distance between Chelmorton and Castleton while Taddington is quite close

    I really like your website and appreciate the time and effort you have put into it. I understand the difficulty in trying to understand family links. I’d welcome your comments on the above

    Nigel Needham

  • Admiring the dedication you put into your site and
    detailed information you provide. It’s good to come across a blog every once in a while that isn’t the same unwanted rehashed
    material. Excellent read! I’ve bookmarked your site and I’m
    adding your RSS feeds to my Google account.

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    deal of responses on Husband’s Family – Juliet’s Genealogy.
    I do have a couple of questions for you if it’s allright. Could it be only me or does it look as if like some of the
    comments come across as if they are left by brain
    dead people? 😛 And, if you are writing at additional sites,
    I’d like to follow everything fresh you have to post.
    Could you list of the complete urls of your social networking pages like your Facebook page,
    twitter feed, or linkedin profile?

  • I love your writing very much. And I wish you Merry Christmas!

  • Greetings Juliet,

    Having referred to you ‘old’ web site in my researches you may be interested to look at and refer to the site I set up for the Streatfield lineages in consultation with Malcolm Streatfield, Trevor Gibbons and Ron Ellis. However the site and errors are mine of course! As we are in the process of moving it han’t had much attention for the last few months.

    I will be happy to add your new site to the Streatfield one when you have your Streatfield line on this.

    with regards and best wishes

    Michael Jefferies

    ps my family tree is at http://www.jefferies.id.au and also has some Streatfield descendants of course.

    • Hi Michael,
      Thanks for your message. I will try and remember to add your site also, as a link when I do the Streatfield page.
      Best wishes and happy New year

  • I simply including the helpful information you actually provide in the posts. I will book mark your blog site in addition to check once more in this article on a regular basis. I am just a little bit selected We’re well informed many new stuff right here! Enjoy for an additional!

  • Hello, Neat post. There is an issue with your website in web explorer, might check this? IE still is the marketplace leader and a big part of people will leave out your magnificent writing because of this problem.

    • Hi, Thanks for bringing the IE problems to my attention. It’s taken me a while, but I think I have managed to sort most of them – mostly bad coding that I have cleaned up, but also got my columns to work in links and name index plus sorted the webpage title out. Thanks again.

  • Jane Hurst:

    I see that you spell some of the villages around Alton (where I live and volunteer at our Curtis Museum) different ways. I know that spellings varied in the past but it can lead to confusion if you do not use the modern spellings – for example: Binsted is near Alton while Binstead is on the Isle of Wight, and Selbourne does not exist while Selborne does but Holyborne does not but Holybourne does.

    I know that this person is probably not related but:-
    8 March 1841 Advert from James Kill, James Knight and Henry Bicknell of Bentworth appologising for disturbing a Primative Methodist Meeting at Bentworth. Witness – John Richardson of Alton. (Hants Chron)

    You say ‘including a second William who was adopted from a relative’ but there was no such thing as an adoption of a person until the 1920s (despite people saying that Jane Austen’s brother, Edward, was ‘adopted’) – one could only adopt something like an act of parliament. A person could be taken into a family and/or made an heir (as was Edward Austen). When adopted one looses all legal connection with one’s birth family – a thing which would never have been agreed to in the past. Yours Jane

    • Thanks, Jane. I will look at the spellings and I realize that about adoptions – I checked out the dates for another family I was researching. I think he was probably ‘taken in’ so to speak and this is something I was told about by the original researcher and I have not really been able to confirm it, so I will go back and re-word that!

  • Great write-up, I am a big believer in placing comments on sites to inform the blog writers know that they’ve added some thing useful to the world wide web!

  • Roslyn Bainbridgde:

    I have a Will for Elizabeth Elborn who was Born a Hayward (Howard) in the Will she state’s her mother was Anna Newman and she was born a Howard and her first husband was William Webb …Elizabeth Elborn of Little Shelford Cambridgre died 1717 married William Elborn of Stapleford 1713 Little Shelford…he was the son of John Elborn and Margret Hind….

    • Hi Roz, I think we have been in touch before (2008!), So this Elizabeth would be a daughter of Anna Newman and Johannes Howard/Hayward that I have married in 1675? She must be a child that I have not found in the registers. Thanks for the info! best wishes Juliet

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  • Aaron Beasley (Dellor):

    Hello, it’s so strange to see this online our family is Hugh I’m Stanley’s great grandson

  • Someone essentially help to make significantly posts I’d state. This is the very first time I frequented your web page and up to now? I amazed with the research you made to make this actual submit amazing. Great task!

  • Stephen Brereton:

    I am descended from Alexander Bibby. On the 1st July, 1753 Alexander Bibye(note changed spelling), miller, married Sarah Jackson, spinster, both of the parish of Gt. Neston, by licence. They were both from Flint and for some reason got the ferry over to Gt. Neston to get married.

    There are 5 Christenings(all in Flint):
    15th February, 1756 Peter Bibby, son of Alexander and Sarah Bibby, Flint Mill
    28th October, 1757 Peter Bibby, son of Alexander and Sarah Bibby, Flint Mill
    28th April, 1759 Richard Bibby, son of Alexander and Sarah Bibby, Flint Mill
    25th June, 1764 George Bibby, son of Alexander and Sarah Bibby, Flint Mill
    24th April, 1768 Christopher Bibby, son of Alexander and Sarah Bibby

    I assume that the first Alexander died. My ancestor was Richard Bibby.

    Hope this helps.



    • Hi Steve,
      Yes, I think we have been in touch before. back in 2004 I think! I have done a lot of research since then and have got to Alexander and Sarah Halsall, but no further. I believe your flint Bibbys are not connected. Your Alexander b & Sarah Jackson had a son Alexander and at first I thought he may be the one, but apparently that Alexander had no children and was the sole executor of his father’s will and miller of Flint. I have to keep searching!
      best wishes