New: Neil family Page
Neil family from Tranmere, Cheshire and Whitehaven, Cumbria completed. Need help in taking this branch further back into Scotland.
Neil family from Tranmere, Cheshire and Whitehaven, Cumbria completed. Need help in taking this branch further back into Scotland.
I have been trying to trace the Neil family tree for some time now, and my father Albert Neil I believe was born in Tranmere to Joseph and Phoebe?
I’m told the Neil’s originate from The Isle of Barra, where I visited recently, but the name through the years has different variations in spelling to Neal, Naill, Neild, with the added O’Neil from ireland and Mac & McNeil from the Scottish outer hebrides of Barra. We have a MacNeil Clan and a Castle on The Isle of Barra. A tartan and coat of arms. This link may help
Hello, Juliet
I have just seen your web page regarding the Neils.
Frederick George Neil (born 1897 in Tranmere) is my great grandfather.
I am delighted that you seem to have established a link to Scotland, for I have long wondered how far back the Scottish connection was.
You may be interested in the following information – some of it gathered from the usual sources, some of it family history.
It is tradition handed down the family that John Neil (born 1836) ran off with the daughter from the big house Annie (Ann Dixon from your tree). As he was only the groom (this seems to be incorrect since shown in the censuses as a ship’s carpenter) she was cut off from the family. John and Annie made their way to Birkenhead (actually, it seems via Liverpool) where they started their family. However both John and Annie died (between 1881 and 1891) leaving the children orphaned.
I should be very interested to learn whether you have any information that confirms or disproves this story.
The 1891 census shows that William, the second eldest brother looked after Mary, Joseph, Hannah, Frederick George, Albert and Hannah. This bears out the family history that Frederick George was brought up by his older brother. Therefore, I think the date you have for his father’s death is rather too late.
The family history is that either Mary or Hannah became a lady’s maid.
The family history is that Frederick George (my great grandfather), without parental supervision, ran wild. However, he did make good and I understand he played a major role in designing the Birkenhead and Liverpool tramways. He rode on the first Liverpool tram. During WW2, Liverpool brought him out of retirement to locate the junction boxes that needed repairing after the Blitz, since he knew the layout of the electrical system. When the Custom House was bombed he was hit by flying debris which continued to come out of his face for sometime afterwards. He accepted an invitation to ride on Liverpool’s last tram. He designed an electric pick up system (on display in a Liverpool museum) that allowed the tram to run in either direction without having to unhook the pick up from the overhead wires.
I have some parts of the tree that you do not seem to have. Would you like copies?
Kind regards
Neil Mackenzie